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New York,New York 10022

Dear Mrs. Stralem:

In answer to your nice note of March 3rd, it would have pleased us much to be of help to you in your drive towards raising funds for the Lenox Hill Hospital. Unfortunately, as I wrote at length to Mr. Acquavella, my wife and I have steadily declined to lend our pastel by Odilon REDON, and I feel that it would be unfair to those who expressed such requests to alter our decision today.

However, in view of our desire to co-operate in so worthy an understanding I offered to Mr. Acquavella to lend a drawing - physically important - and most attractive, as well as a small self portrait. This inccase drawings by this exceptional artist should be included in the exhibition.

Trusting you will understand our position, as much as I regret it, and with all good wishes for the success of your project.

With personal regards,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mrs. Donald S. Stralem
941 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10028
