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New York, New York 10022 

March 12, 1970 

Dear Mr. Acquavella: 

Your pleasant letter of March 2nd referring to the Odilon REDON exhibition arrived while I was out of town, hence the delay in answering which I hope you will excuse. 

Your request of the loan of our pastel by Odilon REDON - "Black Vase with Anemones" - we have but one pastel - hanging in our apartment, embabarrasses me much, for we have on many occasions declined to lend it to exhibitions. We feel that it would be unfair to alter our decision at this time. Furthermore, as you are well aware, pastel is an extremely delicate medium which can be easily damaged by atmospheric and hygrometric conditions. 

On the other hand, were you to include drawings, Mrs. Seligman and I would be happy to lend a quite important and most attractive drawing - 21" x 14-5/8" - "Profil sur Fond de Feuillage" - charcoal, pencil and conte crayon; or/and a "Self Portrait" - pencil - 8-3/4" x 6-1/2". 

These suggestions, you will realize, do show our desire to co-operate in your undertaking for the benefit of the Lenox Hill Hospital. 

Sincerely yours, 

Germain Seligman 

Mr. William R. Acquavella
18 East 79th Street 
New York, New York 10021
