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New York 22, N.Y.

April 19, 1963

Dear Mr. Bohler:

How very good of you to have written me as fully as you did, and let me thank you for your letter of April 16th.

You went, no doubt, to a great deal of trouble, and I feel guilty for having taken up so much of your time with this matter.

However, in spite of the reassuring report you were kind enough to convey, I will not abide by the Haus der Kunst request - for Mrs. Seligman objects to spending another Winter without this painting by BRAQUE, which hangs in our apartment.  It was included this season in a great retrospective Exhibition held in this country; and thus in spite of my desire to cooperate with such cultural and aesthetic manifestations, we are also entitled to enjoy our own works of art.

Be this as it may, I do want to express to you anew my sincerest appreciation of your investigation and information.

With best regards,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Julius Bohler
Briennerstrasse 25

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