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1927 April 6
Spectrum of Beta Orionis, faintest on C18597. For scale
Line | Measure | 414472-M |

4861 | 229191  | 185281  |
     | 246878  | 167594  |
4481 | 288220  | 126252  |
4471 | 289977  | 124495  |
4340 | 315121  | 099351  |
4101 | 368860  | 045612  |
4026 | 388376  | 026096  |
3968 3970 | 404060 | 010412  |
3933 | 414472  | 00000   |
H zeta | 427919 | -013447 |
H eta | 444918 | -030446 |