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but stock runs over all the sand region. Gorden, Rushville, Hay Springs, & Chadron are good thrifty towns. There is no timber between Valentine & Bordeaux, the station next to Chadron. Here we enter a brushy creek valley with some trees, & high bluffs of a soft whitish rock along its sides are covered with Pinus p. scopulorum
This ridge of fine bluffs runs just S.W. of Chadron & a beginning of badlands may be seen to the N.E. Tree leaves & flowers are farther advanced at Chadron than at Valentine though it is farther north & [[strikethrough]] 1200 [[/strikethrough]] 800 feet higher. 
A clear day, almost hot. Chadron is 3360 feet.
Set traps till dark but did not find much signs of game - only one Pocket Gopher hill.
One of the stores here is built of striped purple & gray sandstone from the quarry 6 miles W. of Buffalo Gap. It is the handsomest building stone I ever saw. The stripes are true & wa[[strikethrough]] y [[/strikethrough]]vey [[wavey]] & the color rich.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed -@siobhanleachman