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June 13. Went up the Mt. again & nearly up to the top. Killed 2 Tamias lateralis & 2 T. quadrivittatus & 4 Spermophiles.
Saw an Arctomys & a lot of holes.
Set a few traps.
Made up skins in P.M.
A cloudy, chilly day. Cleared up at night.

" [[Ditto for: June]] 14 A little frost in morning. The snow high up froze hard.
Went up the Mt. again. Couldnt find any Woodchucks, killed 6 Spermophiles, could have shot 20 but wanted to get more other things. Caught 2 Thomys & shot a Tamias lateralis & a T. 4vittatus.
Caught an Hesperomys.
Got back to hotel at noon & worked till 9 P.M. to get the things all put up. 
It is a long, steep climb of 2 or 3 miles up the Mts. & takes too much time, but there seems to be no other way to manage.
The snow lies in great beds, deep & solid over most of the north slope high up. Some avalanches have come down & are piled up, - snow & dirt & stones & trees - at the foot of the peaks.
A pleasant day, clear & not too warm.