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July 18. Traveled most of night, slept a few hours & then started again at sunrise. Reached Big Butte stage station, by the side of Big Butte at 10 A.M.
Found we could buy water & so camped by the lava beds a mile from the station. 
Set traps, made up a few skins, wrote some on report in evening.
Cloudy & cool most of day. a little rain in evening.
Heard 2 Poor wills in evening.
Killed 2 Rattle snakes & Streator killed a Bullsnake.

" [[Ditto for: July]] 19 Went to traps & found 2 Hesperomes & a Neotoma. Had 28 traps set 
Streator & Dutcher did no better, so it is evident that animal life is scarce. Found numerous signs of Arctomys all over the lava beds but none of it fresh. Could find none of the animals themselves & believe they, with the Spermophiles are hibernating.
Dutcher & the cook climbed the butte & brought down a Tamias & a Trochilis & Spizella & specimens of Pinus flexilis, P. murrayana & Pseudotsuga douglasii. They found no water on the butte & but little animal life.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Unsure of [[Trodulis?] -@siobhanleachman I believe it is Trochilis, but I'm not sure what that is -@meg_shuler