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Aug. 7 Went to traps, caught a Dipodops & 2 Thomomys & a lot of Hesperomes. 
A windy night & sand blew over many of the traps. Made up skins & hunted in P.M. Killed some Tamias. 

Barometer - 6 A.M. at ranch, [[insertion]] 24.50 in. [[/insertion]] 5250 ft., clear.
" [[ditto for: Barometer]] 8 "" [[dittos for: A.M.]] " [[ditto for: ranch]] " [[ditto for: [[insertion]] 24.50 in. [[/insertion]] 5250 ft.]]
" [[ditto for: Barometer]] 10 "" [[dittos for: A.M.]] In sink [[insertion]] 24.65 in. [[/insertion]] 4100 ft. " [[ditto for: clear]]
" [[ditto for: Barometer]] 1 P.M. At Ranch [[insertion]] 24.40 [[/insertion]] in 5400 ft. " [[ditto for: clear]]
" [[ditto for: Barometer]] 7 "" [[dittos for: P.M.]] " [[ditto for: At Ranch]] [[insertion]] 24.35 [[/insertion]] in 5350 ft. " [[ditto for: clear]]

" [[ditto for: Aug.]] 8 Went to traps & got a Dipodops & some Hesperomys. Took up traps. Can't catch Perognathus or Onychomys nor find any signs of it.

Barometer - 6 A.M. in Sink 5075 feet. Clear.
" [[ditto for: Barometer]] 7:30 " [[ditto for: A.M.]] at Ranch [[insertion]] 24.45 in. [[/insertion]] 5250 ft. " [[ditto for: Clear]]
" [[ditto for: Barometer]] 10. " [[ditto for: A.M.]] " [[ditto for: Ranch]] [[insertion]] 24.40 in. [[/insertion]] 5300 ft. " [[ditto for: Clear]]

Left ranch at 10 A.M. & went up to our camp on Birch Creek where I arrived at 6 P.M. Barometer at camp, 6 P.M. [[insertion]] 2300 in. [[/insertion]] 6600 ft., clear.
Found things in good order at camp; The cook had been on a drunk but had recovered. The boys - Dutcher & Streator - had worked steadily & collected more than a usual number of specimens including a Lagomys & a S. townsendi & a big pale Tamias, all of which they got on a trip to a caƱon 5 or 6 miles East of camp.

Transcription Notes:
Added in date for Ditto Aug 8th. -@siobhanleachman