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Aug. 18 Took our horses & rode up the creek about 6 miles to see if we could find signs of Bear. Could not start any so returned to camp. 
Got an early lunch, packed up & started for the timber in Timber Creek Valley. Took an old wood road. found it a long pull, all up hill for 12 miles & it rained & hailed hard while we were on the road. Had to go slowly & did not reach timber till nearly dark. Camped under big spruce & pines about [[underlined in red]] 12 miles from Junction [[/underlined in red]] & on the [[underlined in red]] west side of Timber Creek [[/underlined in red]] Valley a mile from the creek on one of the little streams that flow into it. There is heavy timber all up the sides of the mountains, big grassy parks, & lots of nice little streams & [[strikethrough]] creeks [[/strikethrough]]  springs. A splendid place to camp.

" [[Ditto for: Aug.]] 19 Streater went up the side hill to timberline & got 4 Lagomys & other things. Dutcher followed up a caƱon & around through timber & got a lot of specimens. I went up the creek valley several miles and around through the timber, found

Transcription Notes:
reviewed -@meg_shuler