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some Bear tracks & a few signs of Beaver on the creek. Killed a Weasel & some other things. Did not find any signs of Marten.
A clear, pleasant day with just a sprinkle of rain in P.M.

Aug. 20. Streator went up the mountain but did not get many animals. Some birds.
Dutcher took mail to Junction.
I wrote a report on plants, some letters.
Did a lot of little jobs that needed doing. Made a few skins, set 11 traps for Thomomys.
A splendid, clear cool day.

" [[Ditto for: Aug.]] 21 Dutcher, Streator & I took a trip up the creek valley for about 4 miles & drove the thick brush along the creek. Hoped to drive out Deer or Bear or other game but did not succeed. Found some Beaver ponds & dams & set the No. 3 trap for them. Went up another deep, rocky caƱon to the west of the creek but found nothing except a few Deer tracks.
Did not return to camp till about 2 P.M. Made up some skins & set a few traps in P.M.

Transcription Notes:
Martin to Marten -@meg_shuler