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A crust of white alkalie covers much of the meadow, The water in the river is foul & alkaline, is dry part of the way & again runs a small stream.
On the west the country is low & dry hills covered with Artemesia tridentata. Some of it is sandy, The road is sandy much of the way & the wagon runs hard. There is usually one to 3 inches of loose dust in the road where not sandy & a cloud of dust rolls as we go along.
Skinned an Arvicola & two Thomomys & then set traps till dark, set 25, mostly for Perognathus & Onychomys. 
A still, sharp morning, 15 [[degree symbol]] at sunrise. 
A hot day, cool evining.

Oct 22. Caught 4 Perognathes of two kinds, 2 little slim tailed one like fasciatus & 2 hairy footed; big tailed one that are so different from any I know of that they may be another genus -
Did not catch another thing in night, not even a Hesperomys, which is strange. Set 14 traps for Tamias in morning & evening took out 6 Tamias pictus.