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Oct. Set a lot more traps for Perognathus 65 traps in all, the most I ever had out at one time. Would have set more if I had had time
Skinned 4 & stuffed 28 mammals - Henry caught a Thomomys & stuffed it - Coyotes howl all around. one seen - Birds are scarce - Ft. Halleck is 13 miles south of here, it is abandoned - 
A cool morning, 18 [[degree symbol]] at sunrise.
Warm through the day, some clouds & wind -

" [[ditto for: Oct.]] 23. Caught one of the new kind of hairy footed Perognathus (?) & 3 little Pereognathus fasciatus (?) & one P. olivacus, also one Onychomys & 2 Hesperomes.
Took up traps & made up 13 skins before noon.
Eat lunch, packed up & started at 1 P.M.
Wend down the river about 5 miles & camped on north side. The country is much the same as where we were - at Halleck. The river is larger, 
Set 28 traps over the hills for the new Perognathus, did not find good signs.
A cold morning, 17 [[degree symbol]]. Warm day,

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Made one edit. P. olivacus = Perognathus olivaceus -@siobhanleachman