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[[underline]] Nov. 8 [[/underline]] - Went to traps & got 4 Thomomys & a Neotoma & a Hesperomys eremicus & 2 H. sonoriensis & an Onychomys.
Skinned these before starting & did not get off till 10:30. Found Austin away up in the mountains in a gulch. It is the largest & best town I have seen in Nevada - The hills are all dug over with mines & old prospect holes - There is a little cedar & PiƱon on the hills. There is not much lava around Austin, but different kinds of granite & crystaline rocks.
I saw & shot a Tamias leucurus, but it got into a hole & staid.
Saw a Coyote & another animal that I could not tell what it was. Think it was a wild hog - It got off among thick sagebrush - 

[[underline]] Nov. 9. [[/underline]] Sunday -
Packed up & went 5 miles down to the river valley at the Junction & camped - There is a little stream along the valley some grass, but dry & short. A cold morning but warm and pleasant through the day. 
Spent the rest of the day at camp.

Transcription Notes:
reviewed -@meg_shuler