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[[underline]] Nov. 1[[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]] 6. [[/underline]] Sunday. Staid around camp all day. Went to my traps in morning & got a Dipodops & 3 Hesperomys sonoriensis & a little Perognathus that was eaten & spoiled. There are fish in the creek but they wont bite. Found the stake on the line between Lander & Nye Cos. It is near our camp on the south side. A conical peal of lava rock stands in the middle of the valley on the country line. We could see it from beyond Austin.
Made a mistake in reading the rodometer yesterday & probably did not come more than 25 miles - are probably 40 miles from Austin.
A clear, pleasant day. cold nights.

[underline]] Nov. 17. [[/underline]] Packed up early in morning & came nearly 2 miles to a better locality & camped on same side of river & nearer to Shoshone Mts. Made up 5 mammal & 2 bird skins & in P.M. set 37 traps
Found lots of little Perognathus holes up on the bench about 100 feet above the creek. Saw & shot one Perognathus that was out feeding at 2 P.M. Its pouches were full of seeds - It ran & hid under a weed & I auxed it.
After setting traps, I went to the