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nearest mountain & climbed to the top of a moderately high peak. guess I went 1500 feet above camp. Pinus monophylla is thick over the mountains. Cedar is scattered through the pine. Near the top of the hill I was on Circocarpus ledifolius took the place of pine & is about the size & color, so that at a distance it is hard to tell them apart. 
The Circocarpus is larger & better trees than usual, often 20 feet high & 8 or 10 inches through. Lots of Ephedra is scattered through the timber. There is a little snow on sheltered north slopes - Could see down the valley way beyond Austin, & see the mines at Austin. Could see tall timber on the Toi-ya-be Mts. across east of the valley.
Saw a big Black-tail buck on the peak. He was looking at me over a 50 foot cliff about 80 rods above me. Could not get any nearer as the loose slide rocks make it very noisy walking.
Saw a number of Porcupine gnawings on Pines - Heard a Bubo -
Saw lots of Cyanocephalus cyanocephalus a big flock went to roost high up on the side of the mountain where the sun would strike them earliest - Saw & heard several Picicorvus columbianus. about 50 Juncos & several little birds that must be Kinglets of a species new to me.