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Populus tremuloides grows around the springs & streams at the head of the canon - bu only small trees 20 feet high. Its range is limited by moisture. 
Sambucus grows along the cañan
Ephedra is all over the Mts. to the top.
Symphoricarpus is common to the top -
Artemesia tridentata extends in abundance from the bank of Reese River to the highest peak.
Snow lies in patches 3 or 4 inches deep on the high north slopes -
Tamias pictus was common to high up in the cañon & I saw their tracks on snow nearly to the summit - Thomomys hills are common from the valley to the top of the Mts., all small hills & probably the same species. Could find no evidence of the presence of Sciurus among the pines.
Saw a Magpie & 2 Coloptes cafer, also Juncos & Cyanocephalus & Picicorvus.
Saw some Deer tracks near the summit. Horses & cattle range over all but the steepest parts of the mountains. feed is short but still green, while the grass in the valley is dead & brown -
It was an all days trip, started at 8:45 & got back just before sundown
Just had time to set some Ochetodon