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[[underlined]] Nov. 23. [[/underlined]] Sunday.
Went to traps & got a Neotoma, a Perognathus, a little [[insertion]] Micro [[/insertion]] Dipodops, a Chilotus. Was surprised to find a Chilotus down in the valley though on the north side of a 'low hill & in a little gulch.
A clear, pleasant day, Staid at tent most of time.

[[underlined]] Nov. 24 [[underlined]], Got nothing of account except an Onychomys & a Sorex & 3 Evotomys. Made up the skins of these & yesterdays lot. Set more traps for Chilotus, packed a box of skins & a box of skulls.
A pleasant day, mostly clear, but clouded up towards night & looks like storming. Guess we will start out again day after tomorrow.  
Skinned & stuffed an Evotomys in 6 3/4 minutes.

[[underlined]] Nov.25 [[/underlined]]
Caught 3 Chilotus, [[male symbol]] Arvicola pallidus, a little [[insertion]] Micro [[/insertion]] Dipodops, & 2 Evotomys, beside the usual number of Hesperomes & Tamias. Took up all of my traps - over 80. Made up the skins, skinned & stuffed 3 Chilotus, 2 Evotomys, a [[insertion]] Micro [[/insertion]] Dipodops & Thomomys in 70 minutes - after measuring. Worked on my report till dark, did not finish it. have the bird list to do yet.
Clear - a hard wind all of P.M. Dusty,

Transcription Notes:
reviewed -@meg_shuler