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They are of soft rocks that have worn down & crumbled & left queer peaks & sharp ridges. For variety & vividness of colors they rival the Painted Desert or the Vermillion Cliffs. They appear spotted with every shade of brown, black, gray, yellow & red, green, blue & white. The colors are not in stripes with the strata but in patches, all mixed up. It has the appearance of a mountain of varigated flowers the colors are so bright.

On the west of the valley the White Mts. rise abruptly & are high, considerably above timberline. There is thick timber on them, but it begins high up - The tops are smoothely covered with snow, & snow comes down nearly to the valley on them - There is no snow in the valley, but it is cold enough for it - Thermometer registered 13 above 0, (F) at at daylight. The ground hardly thawed during the day. Some clouds all day & thicker in evening.

We passed several ranches in the valley & camped at Mr. Byers ranch. They call it 28 miles to Columbus. The rodometer registers 26 miles.

Transcription Notes:
A couple of minor changes-nwmath Also reviewed. I think it is "crumbled" rather than crumpled so have edited. -@siobhanleachman