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animals. Dipodomys deserti is common to near the summit & may easily range clear over. Infact it is common above the first divide from which a wash leads around into the valley east of the Black Lava Hills. The peculiar holes of Dipodops are abundant high up & over the divide. Tamias leucurus holes & tracks are common all the way. Nelson killed one in the canon. We each got a Harporhynchus lecontei, & Nelson saw 2 near the divide. Thomomys hills are common up near & over the divide. 31 [[degree symbol]] at Owen Lake in morning, cold & windy all day & colder in evening at Darwin. Darwin is a a little mining town about like Nicholia. 
There is no wood around & water is so scarce we have to pay for what we get. There is a little snow on the Mts. east of Darwin & we can see tall peaks east of the [[Waturaego?]] Mts. Camped near Darwin, got in late. Nelson killed a Lynx just before dark at the edge of Darwin. It was very poor they are said to be common near Darwin & to come into town & kill chickens.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. I can't work out [[Waturaego?]] Mts. -@siobhanleachman Me either. Checked Mtns in Nevada. -nwmath