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Nelson & I set out 62 traps, but did not find good places.
The valley seemed to be full of small animals, lots of holes of D. deserti & the little Dipodomys & probably of Dipodops.
We saw several Tamias leucuras in valley & up on rocks this side. Killed one Lepus texianus & saw a lot more.
Saw Badger holes. Thomomys hills are common all along & very small.
Nelson caught a Dipodomys & a Depodops near Darwin in morning.
We saw several Harporhynchus leconti & the nest of a Campylorhynchus.
Amphispiza nevadansis is numerous all along. Saw one Flicker & 3 Salia arctica 
There are several springs along the Mts. east of road & one or 2 miles from road. The ground is damp & there does not seem to be much signs of mammals about our camp. We put a lot of traps in broken lava rocks & hope to get Hesperomes & Neotomes at least.
There seem to be some Dipodomes.