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The rock is of many different kinds, a good deal of what seems to be soft marble.  The sides of the cañon are rough & bare & much cut up by water.
Both mesquits - P. pubescens & P. julifolia go up the cañon to 1775 feet above camp. Grape & Clematis vines come down to 1975, & the green Ephedra down to 2275 feet above camp.  Larrhea mexicana goes up to above where I went. It is in blossom in the cañon, though dry & old in the valley. The leaves are still green on the mesquits & lots of flowers are in blossom in the cañon though it froze hard in it last night which it was only +43 [[degree symbol]] at our camp. & there are no flowers in the valley. 
I noticed in the cañon flowers of Larrhea, 2 flowers of the Composite family, a pretty Oenothera, Eriogonum, a little Caucifer, a Cleoma, & several others. Grass & lots of other plants are green & seem to be growing.  This is probably due to the moisture from the creek. Went about 5 miles & did not get back till after 1 P.M.  Made up the mice skins & the skin of a young Lepus texicmus that Indian George brought me. 
Caught a frog & some snails from the spring.

Transcription Notes:
P. julifolia = Prosopis juliflora Reviewed. Added in [[start page]], solved Lepus texicmus (See -@siobhanleachman