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[[underlined]] Jan. 31 [[/underlined]]
Set some traps, killed some ducks.  Caught a lot of the fish that swam in the spring & ponds & streams.  Caught some Hylers & some lizzards.

[[underlined]] Feb. 1. [[/underlined]]
Caught 2 Ochetodons & 2 Dipodomys deserti. Lots of Coyotes come around the pond nights but they did not get in my traps this time.  George came with a load of grub & grain just at dark.  With him a reporter of the San Francisco Examiner, Mr. Bernett.

[[underlined]] Feb. 2 [[/underlined]]
had only a few traps set, caught an Ochetodon.  Made up a few skins.  Do not feel well & don't rush work much.  The glands under my right arm are swollen so I can hardly use my arm. 
49[[degree symbol]] at sunrise, 70[[degree symbol]] at 1 oclock.  Clear & warm & pleasant.
Dikeman inked his map so as to give his horse a rest.  Coville & Bernett went up the mountains N. of camp & did not get back till 9 oclock.
Nelson set some cyclone traps in the old house in evening & we watched a Perognathus go into one. Nelson killed 2 Bats & I killed two.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Added in [[end page]] markup with [[start page]] as requested by instructions. Edited [[/underlined]] markup in line with instructions & [[degree symbol]] for consistency. -@siobhanleachman