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[[image - black & white picture of Kezia Emery Hall]] [[caption]] KEZIA EMERY HALL, WILBERFORCE [[/caption]] [[image - black & white picture of D. T. Murray]] [[caption]] D. T. MURRAY Alumni Secretary Public Relations Officer, Wilberforce [[/caption]] [[image - black & white picture of Coach Lewis]] [[caption]] COACH GASTON LEWIS Wilberforce [[/caption]] [[image - black & white picture of I. S. Lane]] [[caption]] I. S. LANE Graduate Manager of Athletics Wilberforce [[/caption]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[image - black & white picture of Brundy Hall]] [[caption]] BRUNDY HALL, WILBERFORCE UNIVERSITY [[/caption]] [[image - black & white picture of Big Jim Miller]] [[caption]] BIG JIM MILLER Tackle, Wilberforce [[/caption]] [[image - black & white picture of John Card]] [[caption]] JOHN CARD Tackle, Wilberforce [[caption]] [[boxed - double line]] NEXT BIG EVENT HOLLOWEEN DANCE MIRROR BALLROOM (2940 WOODWARD AVENUE) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31 9 P. M. to 2 A. M. [[/boxed]]