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April 24, 1946

Dear Mr. Bernheim:

I duly received your letter of April 1st and was glad to notice that it was worded in a very different manner. 

In view of this, I immediately contacted the Federal Reserve Bank, and I take pleasure in telling you that I expect to be in a position within the next twenty-four hours to be able to deliver the two paintings, namely: the MONET "Debacle" and the MANET "Douki", to Jacques Helft against his payment of $5,500.00.

There will be a few expenses to be deducted before transferring this amount to your blocked account.

I also received from your father his consent to this deal. But may I repeat to you that, on the other hand, the two or three other letters you mentioned never reached me. 

The balance of the paintings belonging to your father and to you are at the warehouse, as I stated previously.

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligman)

Mr. Roger Bernheim
1 Rond Point Bugeaud
Paris XVI

cc: Francois Gerard Seligmann, Paris France