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Colorado Springs is a good sized town on edge of plain at foot of mountains.  There are outlying ridges covered with Pinus scopulorum east of it.  The scopulorum is all very small, does not average much larger then P. edulis, but is not as scrubby.  Yucca angustifolia & Oak brush & thickets of small Popples are common along the R.R. from Colorado Springs to Denver.  It is among foot hills & on edge of plain.  There is plenty of grass, small streams, some farms, & cornfields, small towns along.  I always supposed Denver was in the Mts. but found it out on the plains.  Had to wait till 8 P.M. for train to Council Bluffs.  Then struck out across plains on the C.R.I. & P.R.R. [[underlined]] dark [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Nov. 12 [[/underlined]]  Were at Philippsburg, ^[[insertion]] Kansas [[/insertion]], at daylight.  The plains are characterized along this route by grass, cornfields, tumbleweeds, old sod houses, rolling land, small streams.  Only trees seen are Fraxinus viridis & Cottonwoods along streams.  Where we cross the Republican River between Smiths Center and Scandia I saw the first Hazle brush.  After passing Beatrice we struck a small river and followed it quite a way.  Here we struck the first Bur oaks, Water Elms, Soft Maple, Butternut, Sumach, and other Miss. Valley plants.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed -@siobhanleachman