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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Natchez & Washington, Mass. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] May 19 [[/underlined]] Arrived at Natches at 4 A.M. and most froze before the sun rose. Got a team to take me out to Washington which is 6 miles S.E. of Natches. The country is beautiful, hilly and fine trees of Pine & Juniper & deciduous trees. Good fields of cotton & corn. Found Coleman at Washington. He had just caught 2 Sitomys, a Neotoma, & a Blarina exilipes. Set traps & shot bats in evening. Cold morning, pleasant day. [[underlined]] May 20 [[/underlined]] Caught a Sitomys and shot a Lepus sylvaticus & Fox Squireel. Coleman got 2 Sitomys and a Tamias and some birds. Shot a Vesperugo in evening, but is cold and cloudy & not many bats appeared. began to rain in evening and is cold. [[underlined]] May 21 [[/underlined]] I caught nothing in my traps. Shot a Sciuropterus & a Megascops. Coleman caught a Neotoma & 4 Sitomys & shot an Egrett. We each shot a little Vespertillio in evening. A clear day and very cool.
Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Had to add in two full stops. -@siobhanleachman