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[[underlined]] Washburn, Tex.  

Aug. 22 [[/underlined]]  Woke up in a place I had not seen.  Found myself on the smoothest biggest prairie I ever struck.  Not a bush or weed a foot high to be seen in any direction.  short grass and smoothe ground.  Surface in long gentle swells.
Shot a few birds, set traps.  Wrote on back reports.

[[underlined]] Aug. 23 [[/underlined]] Caught an Onychomys & three Spermophiles. Made up skins & finished my reports.

[[underlined]] Aug. 24 [[/underlined]]  Went to traps early, got 2 Perognathus, an Onychomys & a Sitomys.
Got a saddle horse & started for the cañon of the P.D. Fork of Red R., 13 miles south of town.  Struck the cañon about 3 miles west of straight south.  Could not get my horse down it so left him and climbed down to the bottom.  Found lots of new and strange plants.  Collected some. Found no mammals, but saw Coon tracks in the mud of river bed.  Saw a few Pocket Gopher hills on prairie.  Coming back I saw 3 Antelope & took a couple of shots at them at long range.  Should like to trap in the canon.  Cattle & horses run in it.  There are but few places where you can get down

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. -@siobhanleachman