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[[underlined]] Panhandle to Canadian, [[/underlined]] Tex. 

[[underlined]] Aug. 26 [[/underlined]] Left Pan-handle at 4:50 A.M. before it was light enough to see the country but it soon grew light.
After passing Pampa we struck the head of a small water course and followed down it till the country became quite broken and cut through by channels at Coddington.  Off at the sides square topped buttes and table lands reach back and form a broken edge to the Llano Estacado.
At Miami there is quite a wide river-valley with a few cottonwoods & willows scattered along the dry river bed.  The soil becomes more sandy.  Grass is taller.  A few Geomys hills appear.  Settlements are small & far apart and ranches few.  Miami is a nice little place of a dozen houses & a little hotel.
Reached Canadian at 8 A.M. but my trunk was put off by mistake at Miami.  had my gun and 9 traps with me so could do some work.  Hunted, set my traps & collected a few plants.  Caught one Geomys & shot a Geococcyx & some other birds. A little water is running in a channel of the sandy bottom of the Canadian, owing to last nights hard rain.  The valley is wide, and flat, sand dunes skirt the river on both sides.  The valley is all sandy.  The prairie back of town is a sandy clay.  The bottom of the deepest channel of the river is clay.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Corrected date -@siobhanleachman