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[[underlined]] Sep. 2 [[/underlined]] Left Wichita last night at 9:45 and this morning it grew light as we reached Osawatomie on the Mo. Pac. R.R. enroute for Kansas City & St. Louis. From Osawatomie to Kansas City I saw no Geomys hills nor any till we passed Holden
Between Holden and Sedalia I saw Geomys hills in a number of places. Then no more on the way to St. Louis.
East of Warrensburg was a patch of level ground covered with the mounds so common farther south, perhaps 40 acres of them.
After passing Jefferson City we followed down the Mo. R. most of the way to St. Louis and I rode much of the way on the platform to watch for Austroriparian plants, but failed to see one good one.
Pawpaw, Persimons, & Tecoma radicans were all that suggested the zone & all of these lap far into Carolinian.
Elms, Ironwood, water beech, Bass-wood, Sycamore, Honey locust, Quercus mulheinburgii prinus (?), rubra, macrocarpa, Alba and others were common.
Hickory, Walnut, Cottonwood, Acer dasycarpum, & other trees were common.

Transcription Notes:
Quercus mulheinburgii = Quercus muehlenbergii.-nwmath