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April 7th, 1936

Dear Mrs Brown:

Referring again to our previous correspondence this year regarding the proposed exhibition of Maquettes for next season, we find, from various questions raised by decorators, that there are a great many technicalities in connection with such an exhibition with which we were not familiar, and which make us hesitate before going ahead with our original plans.

We know that you will appreciated our reluctance to undertake an exhibition involving a great deal of time and expense for Maquettes on the part of the decorators, feeling that there is the slightest possibility of the scale-models being shown in a way which any of the contributors might find unsatisfactory.

Though we ourselves are very disappointed not to be able to include this exhibition in our schedule for next season, we do hope that it may be possible to take up this plan at some later time, and trust that we may look forward to your continued cooperation.

Believe me to be,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Séligmann)

Mrs. Archibald Brown
McMillen, Inc.
148, East 55th Street
New York, New York