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[[2 notes on one page]]
[[note 1]]

^[[checkmark symbol]]


S. Stern 
Customs Broker
2 Stone S New York City


Dear Sirs:

The Customs Authorities obliged us to give bond for the Production of your declaration for an entry which we made for your account, as per accompanying declaration.

Please sign the enclosed declaration and after declaring to same before a notary public  [[strikethrough]] or Collector of Customs at your port,[[/strikethrough]] return it to us promptly in order that we may cancel bond.

Under a recent Treasury Decision No. 39634, a penalty of $10 applies for each oath not filed within 3 months from date of entry.

Respectfully yours,
S. Stern

^[[Entry # 778514]]
^[[ de Grasse 11/15/24]] 
^[[Please sign]]
[[stamped]] HIRSHBACH & SMITH, INC [[/stamped]]
[[/note 1]]

[[note 2]]


Dear Sirs:

The Customs Authorities obliged us to give bond for the Production of your declaration for an entry which we made for your account, as per accompanying declaration.

Please sign the enclosed declaration and after declaring to same before a notary public  [[strikethrough]] or Collector of Customs at your port,[[/strikethrough]] return it to us promptly in order that we may cancel bond.

Under a recent Treasury Decision No. 39634, a penalty of $10 applies for each oath not filed within 3 months from date of entry.

Respectfully yours,
S. Stern

^[[Entry # 775169]]
^[[Ms Suffren 11/13/24]] 
^[[Just sign where is indicated]]
[[stamped]] HIRSHBACH & SMITH, INC [[/stamped]]
[[/note 2]]