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[[left page blank]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Newcastle to [[underlined]]May 26 [[/underlined]], Loring came at 9AM and we left Newcastle about one hour later. Took the regular road for Custer. Crossed Salt Creek and struck Beaver Creek at the LAK Ranch, then turned into the hills and followed up cañons and through parks and pine woods with a gradual rise until reaching an altitude of 5200 feet, then descended a long gulch and camped at a ranch at 4800 feet. After leaving the L A K Ranch we found water only in one pool till we struck the ranch where we camped. Here is only a spring, but plenty of splendid water. Came about 24 miles. After entering the hills the country lays in smoothe ridges & long slopes with rock cliffs along the water washes & cañons Beautiful grassy parks occupy the more level spaces and a scattering forest of Pinus p. scopulorum covers the ridges and steeper slopes. There is almost no underbrush or shrubs. The principal vegetation is grass and pines. Boxelder, Fraximus viridis, Prunus virginianus, Ribes aureum, R. cereum grow along some of the ravines. Very few flowers were seen. A little Phlox is common, and above 5000 feet a Dodocatheon. For a long distance there is splendid grass but no water or stock. Deer tracks are common along the road. Saw Tamias & shot one Red Squirrel. A hot day.