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[[underline]] Little Powder River [[/underline]]

Struck another creek, mostly dry, a branch of the Little Mo. Saw 2 fresh wolf tracks in road & soon after saw 5 Antelope & more later, in all 14. We got one good shot but made a mess of it & did not get any. Passed the D Ranch at 11:30, 6 miles from Little Mo. they say, & from there had no road. Followed up a creek to divide & down other ^[[dry]] creeks & ridges till after 6 & camped by a pool of rainwater in a wash not far from a wide valley which we suppose to be the Little Powder R. Valley. 

Before crossing the divide we had gentle slopes & mostly smoothe ground with not very hard pulls but on this slope it has been broken & rough with deep washes and badlands. For awhile we were out of sight of pines but soon saw them again on the divide and thence stretching along the broken ridges to the North and south of us. A few cottonwoods grow along the wash but we have apparently left the oaks at Little Mo.

Passed a couple of small Prairie dog towns above the D Ranch. A Blacktail deer came down to drink near camp as it grew dark but we failed to get any venison.

Came about 20 miles I guess.

The soil is sandy in places and then gumbo. Coal shows in narrow strata along the gulches near camp. Splendid grass all the way and not much stock. A good many dead cattle seen.

Caught a horntoad near the D Ranch & saw another farther up creek. These are the only ones seen except the one between Spearfish & Sundance.