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[[underline]] Little Powder River [[/underline]]

[[underline]] June 17 [[/underline]] Got up at daylight & hunted for my Deer but couldn't find it. 

Made up a few skins & started at 9 oclock. Crossed Duck Creek, which is the creek we followed down & camped on, and climbed a long slope to the west & followed the ridges for about 8 miles before coming to the Little Powder River. Were fortunate in finding a fairly smoothe route while on both sides were rough badlands. Struck Little Powder R. just below mouth of Elk Creek and camped by river on east side. Found a dim road on other side of river & a couple of roundup men came along & told us where to go.

Saw a big PD town on top of ridge & at one of the holes all of the dirt thrown - about 2 bushels - was coal. Other mounds showed black. Saw an antelope but it was wild. Shot a Lepus campestris for supper. Camped under cottonwoods at river & set traps. Found plenty of old Perodipus holes but no fresh ones. Found the two Sonoran plants in abundance.— Psoralea tenuiflora and Lupinus pusillus. The river valley is sandy, about half a mile wide & half covered with Populus monolifera. The river is 2 feet deep & 4 rods wide, a torrent of yellow, stinking mud with dead cattle all along the shore. The cowboys said that yesterday it was almost dry.

Thunder storms all around in PM as every day for weeks past.

Transcription Notes:
saw what looked like "dim" road previously. Still looks like that to me but correct me if I'm wrong. @nounandverber Later transcriber: agree with "dim". He has used it in other descriptions, too. "Populus monolifera" should be monilifera but transcribed as written.