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[[underlined]] To Sheridan [[/underlined]]

Followed up an easy grade and over a divide & down another creek among big, grassy hills with scoria rock caps.
The country is very rough with high, steep hills, but covered with soil & vegetation. 

Grass is big & thick. Artemisia cana is the commonest shrub. Willows & boxelder grow along the creeks. A few pines grow on the highest hills. Springs are numerous near the divide & in gulches. Part of the soil is sandy & part gumbo. Saw some Cynomys ludovicianus some wolf & coyote tracks & shot at a black-tail deer. Killed a young Colaptes.

Rained a few showers & then cleared up. 

Tried to get horse feed at Clearmont but at the store they had no grains, no meal, no flour, no oatmeal, nor potatos or sugar.

Cycades are numerous & have been all the trip. They buzz like a rattle snake & scare us all the time. Never saw them so numerous.

[[underlined]] June 24 [[/underlined]], Sunday morning & still [[underlined in red]] 22 miles from Sheridan [[/underlined in red]]. Did not hurry & got started at 9 AM. Followed down the creek and over a ridge to another stream which I suppose to be [[underlined in red]] Prairie dog Cr. [[/underlined in red]] then over to [[underlined in red]] Sheridan [[/underlined in red]] Aneroid at camp at 9 3700 & at Sheridan at 5 PM 3500. Soon left the big hills & the creek valley broadened. Ranches are scattered along. Good farms & fields of irrigated crops along [[strikethrough]] PD [[/strikethrough]] Prairie dog Creek & [[underlined in red]] Goose Creeks [[/underlined in red]] and beautiful, rolling, grassy upland. 

Sheridan is about the size of Lander & is in a prettier country, is close to the base of the Bighorns

Transcription Notes:
"Cycades" are Cicadas - a large, extremely noisy buzzing insect.