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[[underlined]] Little Bighorn Valley [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] July 2 [[/underlined]] Took up traps but got nothing of any account save a couple of immature cottontails. Mammals seem wonderfully scarce. from about 80 traps we got only 5 mammals. Thomomys seem to be the only species at all common. Even Prairie dogs are scarce, though old abandoned holes are common. 

Started at 7 & traveled at a good rate till 5 down the river valley & camped on grassy flat close to river. Set out 93 traps (both of us) mostly in brushy & weedy places for Reithrodontomys & in old field for Perognathus.

We are now opposite the north end of the Bighorn Mts. On the east is the range of high hills with [[/strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] rough tops covered in spots by pines called on the map Rosebud Mts. They are back 5 or 6 miles from the river & between is a ridgey mesa of good grass land while on the west side of valley rolling, grassy mesas extend to the Bighorns. Cut through at intervals by creek [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] valleys. The river flat is from one to 2 or 3 miles wide. about half of it is splendid grass land & the other half covered with groves of cottonwood, ash, boxelder, & willow, & thickets of bullberry, chokeberry, plum rose, snowberry & tall weeds. Big ditches have been taken out at several places & the whole valley might easily be irrigated. but only a few little patches are watered. Indian cabins are scattered all along through the brush but not one seemed to be occupied & we did not see a redskin all day.