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[[underlined]] Pryor Mts [[/underlined]]

On my way down killed a big blacktail buck & saw another. Came to camp & got packhorse & went after the deer. Got him on the saddle & the horse rolled down a steep slop end over end till he struck a tree & nearly smashed himself. Did not get back in time to set traps.

A beautiful day.

[[underlined]] July 15 [[/underlined]] Caught 3 Arvicolas & killed 2 Sciurus. Finished the deer skin, made up small skins & set a good line of traps.

Rained a shower in P.M.

[[underlined]] July 16 [[/underlined]] Caught one Sorex and Dutcher caught 2

Made up a lot of skins.

[[underlined]] July 17 [[/underlined]] Caught 2 more Sorex & other things. Took up traps & started down the Creek. Put half the load on the saddle horses, both team horses are lame, one from rolling down hill with deer on his back, the other burned his foot with a rope. It is not difficult to get down the creek with a light load.

Shot a big Arctomys on the way down & saw where an Elk had followed the road 2 miles since morning.

Camped at the first ranch on Sage Creek at edge of Indian reservation & about 3 miles from south end of Pryors Gap.

Around camp Artemisia arbuscula is the common sage. Shot 3 young sage grouse from a large flock consisting of 2 sized young.