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[[underlined]] Beartooth Mts. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] July 28 [[/underlined]] Started up with Dr. Foster and reached camp at 6 P.M. A warm day & the horseflies & mosquitos are very bad. especially the mosquitos at camp at the lakes.

Shot 2 Tamias & a young Arctomys

Rode across the big snowbanks and so saved considerable distance.

[[underlined]] July 29 [[/underlined]] Caught a lot of mammals & made them up & set more traps. Took a tramp down the creek to the fork & up the east branch and around over the ridge between. Killed only a duck.

Rained by spells.

[[underlined]] July 30 [[/underlined]] Caught 2 martens & a lot of other things, set a line of traps above timberline & worked on skins.

Dr. Foster killed a spotted blacktail fawn.

Rained several showers. Mosquitos are very troublesome.

[[underlined]] July 31 [[/underlined]] Took up my traps above timberline & worked all day on skins.

[[underlined]] Aug. 1 [[/underlined]] Worked till 5 P.M. on skins. Took up all but my Marten traps.

No frost in morning & no rain all day, the only day of no frost or no rain since we came into the Mts.