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[[underlined]] Yellowstone CaƱon [[/underlined]]

Caught an Arvicola longicauda & A. pallida & a Sorex & Dutcher got an Evotomys. Saw an Antelope, lots of deer tracks & some elk tracks & 2 bear tracks. Lots of Sciurus & some Tamias that climb trees. Heard Arctomys & saw Spermophilus elegans, and one Lepus bairdi.

Pseudotsuga & Pinus murryana are the most abundant trees. At 8000 on E. slope we found Abies and Picea engelmani is the commonest spruce on the plateau. Some P. flexilis is scattered all along. Populus tremuloides forms some thickets, & along the streams are Alnus & Salix. Lupines & Linum perrenne & Phlox douglassii and solidago are in bloom. Balsamorrhiza saggittata is common below but does not reach up onto plateau. The top of the plateau appears to be purely Boreal.

[[underlined]] Aug. 16 [[/underlined]]
Went down to the falls of the Yellowstone then across to Norris Basin & then to the Middle Basin & camped.

The timber is almost continuous & almost pure Pinus murryana. The fallen trees of old burnings cover most of the ground through the forest. The growing trees are mostly small & stand thickly.

Saw Spermophilus lateralis in several places & lots of Tamias & Sciurus & hills of Thomomys.

Transcription Notes:
"Balsamorrhiza" should be Balsamorhiza (one R) but transcribed as written.