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[[underlined]] Dupuyer to Blackfoot [[/underlined]].

Saw 10 Archibuteos & killed one of them. They are hunting Spermophiles.

Shot a Badger but did not get it.

Dupuyer has a store, a saloon, a blacksmith shop & a church, is the best town in the county.

Robare is only a saloon & ranch.

[[underlined]] Sep. 9 [[/underlined]] Caught an Onychomys & some Sitomys.

A Fox stole some of my traps so we stay over a day & try to catch Vulpes velox.

Shot a Tamias luteoventris, & Lepus campestris

Set traps.

Went to traps by moonlight in evening and found a Vulpes velox in one of them.

[[underlined]] Sep. 10 [[/underlined]] Caught 2 Lepus artemisia & some Sitomys, Dutcher caught a Tamias luteoventris & some Sitomys.

Reached the Blackfoot Agency at noon & Blackfoot at about 6 P.M. Came 27 miles 

Saw the Agents clerk - Mr. Garrett, & got a letter from him. Met the Agent - Capt. Cooke, on the road. Passed the Catholic Mission on Two Medicine Creek.

Camped near town on Willow Creek.

[[underlined]] Sep. 11 [[/underlined]], Made up skins and wrote some reports. did not move camp.

Set traps for Arvicolas & Thomomys.

[[underlined]] Sep. 12 [[/underlined]] Intended starting early for the Mts but a cold rain continued all night & all day with some snow on prairie & much snow in mountains.

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