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[[double-underlined]]Beckham, C.W.[[/double-underlined]], Smithsonian Institution. - One skin of [[underlined]]Loxia americana[[/underlined]], from Bardstown, Kentucky - being probably the first bird the National Museum has ever received from any portion of that State! Also, a Snowbird ([[underlined]]Junco hyemalis[[/underlined]]), shot at Ilchester, Md., with very distinct white wing-bands.

[[double-underlined]]Palmer, Wm.[[/double-underlined]], Smithsonian Institution. - Two specimens, in flesh, of the Prairie Lark ([[underlined]]Otocoris alpestris praticola[[/underlined]]) from Orleans Co., New York. Important, as representing the extreme eastern limit of the race, as well as showing that it is a winter resident at that latitude.

[[double underlined]]Sohier, Wm[[/double underlined]], Swan Island, N.C. - One [[peculiary?]] marked specimen of the Whistling Swan,from the coast of North Carolina.

[[double-underlined]]Townsend, Chas. H.[[/double-underlined]], Smithsonian Institution. - 28 specimens, representing 15 species, from Lower California.