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[[double-underlined]]Fisher, Wm. J.[[/double-underlined]], Kodiak, Alaska. - 48 specimens, 19 species, from Alaska.

[[double-underlined]]Warren, Dr. B. H.[[/double-underlined]], West Chester, Pa. - 53 specimens of [[underline]]Quiscalus purpureus[[/underline]], from West Chester.

[[double-underlined]]U. S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries[[/double-underlined]]. - 66 specimens (16 species), from Key West, Florida, and 414 specimens (57 species), from Cozumel I., Yucatan. The collection from the last named locality is of great interest and importance, being the only one every made on the island (so far as is recorded), and containing no less than 15 new species. These were described in the "Proceedings" of the Biological Society of Washington, Vol.III., extras of the paper being printed, and many of them distributed, February 26th. Both collections were made by Mr. J.E. Benedict, assisted by other naturalists accompanying the "Albatross".