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3. [[underlined]] C. sancti-thomae [[/underlined]], St. Thomas.]

(5).  Description of two new birds from Costa Rica. Pp. 4, M.S.; Feb. 24.  Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. [ [[underlined]] Cyanocorax cucullatus [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Vireolanius pulchellus verticalis. [[/underlined]] ]

(6) Description of a New Warbler from Yucatan. Pp. 1 1/2 US.; Feb. 24. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. [ [[underlined]] Granatellus sallaei boucardi. [[/underlined]] ]

(7) Descriptions of some New Species of Birds from Cozumel Island, Yucatan. [Published, by permission of the U.S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, in the Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, vol. III. 1874-'5 (Extras printed Feb. 26, 1885). New Species are as follows: 1. [[underlined]] Harporhynchus guttatus. [[/underlined]] 2. [[underlined]] Troglodytes beani. [[/underlined]] 3. [[underlined]] Dendroica petechia rufivertex. [[/underlined]] 4. [[underlined]] Vireosylvia cineria. [[/underlined]] 5. [[underlined]] Vireo bairdii. [[/underlined]] 6. [[underlined]] Cyclorhis insularis. [[/underlined]] 7. [[underlined]] Spindalis benedicti. [[/underlined]] 8. [[underlined]] Euetheia olivacea intermedia. [[/underlined]] 9. [[underlined]] Centurus leei. [[/underlined]] 10. [[underlined]] Attila cozumelae. [[/underlined]] 11. [[underlined]] Lampornis thalassinus. [[/underlined]] 12. [[underlined]] Chlorostilbon forficatus. [[/underlined]] 13. [[underlined]] Empidonax gracilis. [[/underlined]] 14 [[underlined]] Myiarchus [[/underlined]]

Transcription Notes:
Moved "archus" from beginning of next page to end of this page, per hyphenation rules.