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Prof. [[double-underlined]]Miles Rock[[/double-underlined]] (Guatemala City?) - 293 specimens, 108 species, from Guatemala. A very valuable collection, including five series of several more or less rare species, and one species ([[underlined]]Prionerhynchus carinatus[[/underlined]]) new to the collection.

[[double-underlined]]Alex. Skinner[[/double-underlined]], Smithsonian Institution, - Prairie Hen ([[underlined]]Cupidonio pinnata[[/underlined]]), shot near Washington, D.C.

Dr. [[double-underlined]]W. W. Godding[[/double-underlined]], Supt. Govt. Insane Asylum, Specimen in flesh, of African Lion Bird ([[underlined]]Agaphornis pullaria[[/underlined]]) new to the collection.

[[double-underlined]]Howard Saunders[[/double-underlined]], London, England. - 68 Specimens, 40 species, of Laridae, from various parts of the world. A very valuable collection, embracing a number of species new to the collection, among them a North American bird, [[underlined]]Larus affinis,[[/underlined]] Reinh.

The accessions to the egg-collection

Transcription Notes:
Verified entries using type-written version later in transcription (see page 120, etc.), although some spelling is different.