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[[underlined]] Specimens mounted for Exhibition Series [[/underlined]].

The number of specimens mounted for the Exhibition Series during the month is 48.

[[underlined]] Special work accomplished [[/underlined]].

No special work of importance was done during the month, there being no time for other than the regular routine work. Much time was consumed in evacuating the cases of the northwest gallery. 

[[underlined]] Work of assistants. [[/underlined]]

Mr. C. W. Beckham has continued his work during the month as usual. 

[[underlined]] Recommendations. [[/underlined]]

The Acting Curator would respectfully recommend that the three cases recently erected in the middle of the hall be painted, and the eight corner cases finished and furnished with shelves, as soon as possible, since the collection suffers greatly from being crowded to such a degree as is now the case. 

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, 
your obedient servant
Leonhard Stejneger, 
Acting Curator Department of Birds.