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[[embossed seal]]

(9) [[underline]] W. Brewster [[/underline]], Cambridge, Mass. - Bird skins, returned to owner.

(10) [[underline]] Col. A. S. Goss [[/underline]], Topeka, Kansas. - Bird skin, returned to owner.

(11) [[underline]] H. K. Coale [[/underline]], Chicago, Ills. - Two bird skins, sent for examination and returned.

(12) [[underline]] C. B. Cory [[/underline]], Boston, Mass. - Bird skins loaned for examination (one exchanged).

(13) [[underline]] J. A. Allen [[/underline]], American Museum Nat. Hist., New York, N. Y. - Bird skin loaned for examination.

[[wavy underline]] Minor routine work. [[/wavy underline]]

[[2-column table]]
Official letters written | 19.
" [[ditto for Official]] memoranda | 16.
Requisitions for material, etc. | 4.
Orders for work written | 3.
Memoranda of Packing " [[ditto for written]] | 13.
Proof corrected, pages | 377.
" " [[ditto for Proof corrected]], galleys | 24.
[[/2-column table]]

[[wavy underline]] Papers submitted for publication. [[/wavy underline]]

There was only one paper for publication prepared during the month, its title being as follows: -