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[[underline]] N.S. Goss. [[/underline]] The Snowy Plover on the Salt Plains of the Indian Territory and Kansas.
[[underline]] The Auk, iii, l886, p. [[/underline]] 409.
Col. Goss's birds were sent on to the Museum for comparison.

[[underline]] N.S. Goss. [[/underline]] Additions to the Catalogue of the Birds of Kansas.
[[underline]] The Auk, iv, 1887, [[/underline]] pp. 7-11.
Specimens compared in National Museum.

[[underline]] N.W. Henshaw [[/underline]]. Description of a New Jay from California.
[[underline]] The Auk, iii, 1886, pp. [[/underline]] 452-453.
Described as [[underline]] Aphelocoma insularis, [[/underline]] ^[[from specimens]][[strikethrough]] and compared with material [[/strikethrough]] in the National Museum.