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[ [[underlined]] P. rikeri Ridgw. [[/underlined]] ] 

[[underlined]] Work of Assistant Curator [[/underlined]].

Mr. Stejneger has been engaged in examining the collection which was received from the Japanese Government during the month, and in preparing descriptions of the new species, and notes on the rarer and more interesting ones.  Three new names have been based on the specimens received, viz., [[underlined]] Pericrocotus japonicus [[/underlined]], subsp. nov., [[underlined]] Pericrocotus tegimae [[/underlined]] , sp. nov., and [[underlined]]  Icoturus namiyei [[/underline]]  gen. & sp. nov. - A small box containing birds from the Liu Kiu Islands, belonging to Japan, were also submitted to him by the authorities of the Tokio Educational Museum for examination and 

Transcription Notes:
Icoturus namiyei = Icoturue namiyei - nwmath