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[[underline]] C.K. Worthen, [[/underline]] Warsaw, Illinois. 6 specimens, 5 species, North American birds.

[[underline]] Dr. Julius v Madarasz, [[/underline]] Natl Mus'm, Budapest, Hungary. 58 specimens, 43 species, exotic Humming birds, and North American Titmice.  

[[underline]] Howard Saunders, [[/underline]] London, England. 2 specimens of [[underline]] Puffinus borealis.  [[/underline]] 

[[underline]] Wm Lloyd, Paint [[/underline]] Rock, Texas. 2 specimens, [[underline]] Spizella pusilla [[/underline]].   

[[underline]] Fred Zeller, [[/underline]] Washington, D.C. 1 specimen of Purple Grackle.

[[underline]] R. Collett, [[/underline]] Zoological Museum, Royal University, Christiania, Norway. 69 specimens, 62 species, mostly South American species, and some old mounted specimens of North American [[underline]] Gallinae. [[/underline]]