Viewing page 156 of 191

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[[underline]] Minor Routine Work [[/underline]] 

Official letters written .. 43
" [[Ditto for Official]] memoranda .. 32
Memoranda of packing .. 19
Requisitions.. 24
Orders for work .. 02
Invoices (Triplicates).. 27
Proof corrected - (no record kept)

[[underline]] Papers prepared for publication

A. By the Curator [[/underline]]  

(1) The Imperial Woodpecker. (Campephilus imperialis). in Northern Sonora. 3/4 p.; ms."Auk", March 2.

(2) The Copper-tailed Trogon, ([[underline]]Trogon ambiguus. [[/underline]]) breeding in southern Arizona. 1/2 p. MS.;'Auk', March 2.

(3) Description of a new Plumed Quail. ([[underline]] Callipepla elegans bensoni [[/underline]]) from Arizona. "Forest and Stream," March 1st.